
  • Dartmouth Skiway, 39 Grafton Turnpike, Lyme,NH 03768, (603) 795-2143
    Dartmouth Skiway offers big-mountain challenges in a family-friendly setting with more than 100 skiable acres spread over two mountains and enough terrain variety to thrill any ski or snowboard enthusiast.
  • Franconia Notch State Park, 852 Daniel Webster Highway, Lincoln, NH 03251, (603) 745-8391
    Franconia Notch State Park is located in the heart of the White Mountain National Forest. Franconia Notch is a spectacular mountain pass traversed by a unique parkway which extends from the Flume Gorge at the south to Echo Lake at the north. For eight miles, I-93 winds between the high peaks of the Kinsman and Franconia mountain ranges.
  • Mount Washington (NH)
    Mount Washington Observatory is a private, nonprofit, member-supported institution with a mission to advance understanding of the natural systems that create Earth’s weather and climate. It serves this mission by maintaining a weather station on the summit of Mount Washington, performing weather and climate research, conducting innovative science education programs, and interpreting the heritage of the Mount Washington region.
  • The Appalachian Trail (NH)
    The Appalachian Trail is a 2,180+ mile long public footpath that traverses the scenic, wooded, pastoral, wild, and culturally resonant lands of the Appalachian Mountains. Conceived in 1921, built by private citizens, and completed in 1937, today the trail is managed by the National Park Service, US Forest Service, Appalachian Trail Conservancy, numerous state agencies and thousands of volunteers. Appalachian Trail Map
  • Quechee Gorge/Quechee State Park (VT)
    Hundreds of thousands of visitors stop each year to take in the breathtaking views of the Quechee Gorge. The focal point of the park is Vermont’s deepest gorge, formed by glacial activity approximately 13,000 years ago. Visitors can look down at the Ottauquechee River, flowing 165 feet below viewing points along Route 4.
  • Trail Finder
    Interactive map to find the perfect outdoor space for your kind of adventure (hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, and more)!
  • Ski Vermont
    A comprehensive list of ski locations in Vermont.

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The Valley NewsProviding newspapers and e-news about the Upper Valley area of New Hampshire and Vermont. DaybreakSends a daily summary of news to those subscribe. Sign up for emails. Dartmouth SportsFind out what teams are playing who and what's happening with...



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The Arts

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